Buried In Snow

Image by Daniel Bishop on ChatGPT


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV

I know it's September but I was thinking about how in January we had a big snowstorm. I got nine inches at my house and some places in our area got twelve inches. We hardly ever get snow where I live in Knoxville, TN and when it does snow, it’s just an inch or two and it melts the next day. This time, the snow also brought frigid temperatures, and it never got above freezing the entire week, so the snow stuck around. The lows at night were close to zero degrees Fahrenheit. Then we got freezing rain a few days after the snow so it was a mess the whole week. But it was a beautiful mess.

The freezing rain made a sheet of ice on top of the snow and gave it a pretty sheen and my work was closed most of the week. The neighbor's yard has some Spruce trees and it was pretty to see the snow clinging to the branches and it made for a nice winter tableau.

 So, it was nice to just hang out around the house and enjoy the unexpected break from work. As I write this, the temperatures have been above freezing the last few days and the snow is mostly gone now.

Life can feel that way sometimes. It can feel like it buries me and everything is a mess. But even in the storms and messiness of life, there are always beauty and blessings, and the storms eventually melt away. 

May we always have eyes to see the beauty and blessings in life no matter what we’re going through.

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