Front and Center
“How’d it go?” David asked his wife, Bonny.
Her parents were in their late eighties and her dad had lost his memory and wasn’t in very good shape so, they didn’t go out much. Her mom’s phone had been acting up and Bonny took her mom’s phone to the cell phone store to get it looked at.
“The phone store got mom’s phone sorted out but it was funny when I got back to mom’s, she told me Dad wanted to go for a drive. She told him she didn’t have her phone so they couldn’t go anywhere. Then she realized they used to go driving all the time without a phone before cell phones.” Bonny chuckled and shook her head.
“I can understand,” David said. “You get so used to having a phone in your pocket or your purse you feel naked if you don’t have it.”
“Exactly! Then it made me think about how I used to go everywhere and not give God a second thought. I’d start my day and leave the house without even thinking about Him or praying or reading my Bible but I wouldn’t dare leave the house without my phone.”
“Oh, yeah, He’s with us everywhere we go but we don’t act like it.”
“Yes, I would never be that casual with my phone. I wouldn’t leave it laying around wherever and not keep up with it. But sometimes, I’m like that with my relationship with God. I’m too casual with it and kind of leave it laying around and don’t keep up with it. I can see I need to be more intentional about taking the time to acknowledge Him when I start my day and finish my day. It keeps my mind focused on the right things.”
“He’s not in your pocket or purse. He’s in your heart.”
“Yes, and I should make sure I’m on and fully charged.”
Let’s be intentional about keeping God front and center.